The elements combined perfectly on a Snowy Sunny Midday Monday at the Brazilian Botschaft in Berlin.
Mate is a sacred union between water and earth (forest) energy, and when combined with the act of sitting around a fire in the fresh air, the ritual can be quite magical.
Powerful Prayers are sometimes acknowledged by the spirits.

Paganistic Practices have been virtually erased from modern society with centuries of colonialism and cathocism culminating in a capitalistic culture where we are as disconnected from our roots and plugged in to a digital global matrix.
Sometimes the simple act of sitting around in a circle and sharing a Mate can cut across cultural barriers
From Berlin to Brasil and Beyond, the Holy Shift Activists who gathered on the banks of the Spree with Meta waited to warmly welcome the visiting diplomats with mantras and mate. Due to a water leakage and power failure in the embassy, President Lula and his ministers were unable to attend the sacred ritual but this did not diminish from the celebrations!

Later that afternoon we were able to directly express our gratitude towards the Brasilian environmental minister Marina Silva who has been fighting for forests and indigenous rights for decades.

Raise Your Hands to Hold up the Sky together!
A Comunidade Berlinense lhe deseja sucesso na busca de soluções sustentáveis para proteger as terras e águas sagradas do Brasil. Em nome da natureza e de seus filhos, vamos criar um futuro igualitário para todos na essa Planeta.
#VivaFloresta #SalveYemanja!