In conclusion to Amazon Week at the Brazilian Embassy, we will reflect on the fate of the Atlantic Forests, the struggles of its inhabitants and the almost extinct tradition of autonomous mate making.
4pm – Mate Circle with the new harvest
5pm – Summary from Amazon Week in Berlin
6pm – Talks about Guarani-Gaucho Culture
7pm – Carijo Film (Portuguese w/ English captions)
Meta Mate Green Wash 2024
While most of the harvest from this season was washed out by climate conditions, there were additional causes created by our capitalistic civilisation

What started off as a joke went a bit too far and we ended up creating a new campaign for our craft mate harvest.
Perhaps, as passionate materos, we want to provide you with the opportunity to infuse yourself in Mate so deeply so that it is flowing in and out of your pores (literally).
In fact, we want to call your attention to the precarious situation of our Mate farmers and to give value to the limited resources with this year’s harvest that will come in single-serving packages (for those who are used to big gaucho chimmarao).
The Family Gehm has not harvested this season but we are delighted that they have given their know-how further and we are pleased to be able to bring another family-produced barbacua mate to you later this month.
Recently we were reflecting on the term „bio economy“ and the fair and sustainable practice of purchasing exotic and esoteric products in the spirit of self-care and saving the planet.
We are well aware that by making claims such as „full moon harvest“ and „renewable forest energy“ that we are on paar with pioneer Deutsche / Demeter brands.
Most importantly, however, we let our mates speak for themselves and let our materos spread the word. We remain committed towards the origins and see beyond hipster trends.