As the annual Walpurgisnacht Fire will fall out this year, we will be joining our systars on the streets this Tuesday evening for a Friedvolle Fest to stand up for a taboo topic. This time we will not be sharing mates in a circle but invite you all to take back the night and commemorate in a peaceful and powerful manner.
Domestic Violence is a cliché; something that always happens out there but never in our close circles. The shame, self-blame and above all the pride.
There has been a move as of late towards relabelling such incidents as toxic relationships, but everything is toxic these days from the foods we eat to the digital mediums we communicate with.
Each story is individual, yet there are similar patters that weave through all. Resilience and cultural convictions twist the threads into a multitude of musters, fabricating our lives with fantasies that things will change.
„I was not ready to admit being a victim; that was for the weak. I have been raised as an independent strong woman, free to choose my future, educated with a black belt and college degree. Gaslighting belonged to the village dowry dramas of my mothers and grandmothers cloaked in burkhas in their ancient lands. „
We believe in the power of dialogue and feel that Mate is a valuable tool in facilitating non-violent communication. In Berlin Mate is often associated with the rebellious counter culture as a energising fun fuel for partying and protesting. And as more people turn towards the traditional variations there is more of an opportunity to sit down and Mate together
We are open on the 1st of May from 2 – 6 pm
Joyn us for the Official Kick Off of Terere Season!!!
WINTER PAUSE 10 Feb - 10 Mar 2025. Berlin Shop will be open Fridays 15.30-19 hrs and Saturdays 12-18 hrs.Online orders will be processed slowly. Ausblenden