Meta Mate is more than just a cafe where Mate is served and goes beyond your regular mate brand. Meta Mate is a philosophy and lifestyle centered around enjoying the moment with a great mate!
Metta /ˈmɛtə/ (in Theravada Buddhism) meditation focused on the development of unconditional love for all beings.
Meta means about the thing itself. It’s seeing the thing from a higher perspective instead of from within the thing, like being self-aware.
Photo credit : Yerba Mate Bulgaria

Mate is often defined as a bitter infusion of the leaves of a South American shrub, which is high in caffeine. Mate is one of a matched pair, a friend or companion or the act of coming together to breed.
Metta Meditation is the cultivation of loving kindness.
With Meta Mate we wish to spread this feeling of benevolence across the globe with a healing exilir of fresh forest energy.