Bubbling Brews & Sweet Mates

This year marked 100 years since the initial patent on a Mate Brause recipe in Berlin. This city has seen many changes in the last century and especially in the past decades, the multiplication of mates on the market has been phenomenal.

We were recently reviewed for a report about Mate for a Munich Radio Station 94.5.

Although we strongly advocate the traditional consumption of Mate, we are aware that in Berlin, the local bottled version of Mate is popular at end of the year parties. The Mate 2 Brause Box is available at our shop in Berlin in small and large sizes.

X-MATE DATES. Winter Opening Hours

Our Shop in Berlin will have extended opening hours in December to ensure that everyone is well stocked with Mate at the end of the year.

We will be offering tastings and workshops on weekends; walk-ins are welcome on Sundays at 3pm.

While we are still awaiting the arrival of a mini craft harvest do have some other creative mate recipes and blends in stock currently.

Check our opening hours online and stop by during the dark december days….

Below are some Meta Moments with Mate from the past weeks.

Stay happy, healthy and hydrated!