1312 was a Friday the 13th!

And contrary to popular belief, we had quite a bit of luck just in time for the weekend thanks to a little help from our friends Dobre Ziele and Project Mate Solutions.

Visitors to our shop in Berlin will be relieved to see that we have a small selection of simple Calabasas and Bombas in stock again. We also received a limited supply of the Jan 2024 harvest of Moonshine Mate form the Family Gehm.

These products will only be available offline until the end of the year. We look forward to receiving Craft Mate from 2 new families towards the end of December.

Winter Opening Times

In order to accommodate visitors over the next weeks, we will remain open during some of the traditional German holidays.

Our opening hours are always updated online, and it is worthy to note, we will be open almost every day this month with the exception of 16 & 30 December.